Tangent Game Studios is a team of ambitious high school students who are deeply passionate about game development. Although young, we are very enthusiastic about our games and set high expectations for them. As gamers ourselves, our design will always revolve around the best player experience.
Contact us at tangentgamedevs@gmail.com

Kevin Liu
Chief Developer
Kevin was inspired by interviews with game developers about the process they go through when designing their games. He decided to establish his own game development team so that he could introduce his ideas to the video game industry. Thus Tangent was born, and Kevin continues to pursue this dream by spearheading game development at Tangent.

Levi Kaplan
Designer, Human Resources
Levi has been coding since June of 2015, getting inspiration from his older brother, an avid programmer with a Ph.D. in Computer Science. As an artist, coder, and writer, Levi is thrilled to be a part of Tangent. He brings his creative mind and constant determination for greatness to the table as he begins this new and exciting journey.

Jason Bickmore
Lead Designer
Jason has always loved being creative, and, thanks to Tangent, he gets the opportunity to apply his creativity to a fantastic team and build new and exciting games with his friends. Having filled several different roles, Jason has had the chance to grow his skills in many areas, including conceptual design, graphic design, music production, storytelling, marketing, and more. Jason is pumped to continue developing games and learning new things as a part of the Tangent team.

Nick Schumann
Nick is a long-term developer with Tangent. He brings specialties in back-end development, as well as development methodology and systems-security to Tangent Game Studios. He enjoys playing indie games and exploring new genres in gaming.

Madeline Overton
Lead Artist
Madeline has always had a passion for art and creativity but she had an opportunity to expand her abilities when welcomed into Tangent. Digital art provided an opportunity for growth and a new medium to explore. As the Lead Artist, Madeline has the privilege of working with the design team and the rest of the art team to make the best of each project.

Gunnar Nye
Gunnar Nye is an aspiring artist hoping to broaden his horizons by joining the Tangent team. Gunnar is often found either sketching his newest idea or playing the latest game. Although Gunnar has little experience with digital art, he believes that his experience with traditional media will bring a new perspective to the Tangent art team.

Brandon Weaver
Level Designer
Brandon has had a lifelong passion for games and game design. He was thrilled when asked to join Tangent in order to give his opinion and insight so that they can try to make the best game possible. Brandon also has experience in coding since August 2016. He is excited to help Tangent Game Studios go to the next level.

Isaac Ankeny
Isaac has always toyed with the prospect of game development. Tangent offered a unique opportunity for him to apply his motivation towards building a dream. Isaac strives for excellence and always tries to think outside of the box. He loves the complexity and ever-changing dynamics of the gaming market and plans to do anything he can to help bring Tangent closer to its goals.

Dominick Giuntini
Music Producer
Dominick Giuntini loves to produce music and saw a great opportunity to help his colleagues out when Kevin introduced him to Tangent. He handles sound design and music production and loves to create new and exciting compositions to use within Tangent's games. His love for music and gaming combine to make him a valuable team member.