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Lost Space Released!

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. We've been hard at work on our latest game!

After ten months of developing, tweaking, polishing, and lots of hard work, Lost Space: Ascend has just been released to iOS and Android devices. Lost Space is the most ambitious project to date that we have released, and is the first game we have released on the Google Play Store. We hope that this will expand our audience and that our fans on Android will no longer feel left out. With the release of Lost Space, we have also reached the end of our senior year of high school. In tandem with our biggest project's completion, we will be celebrating our graduation from high school and the beginning of our journeys onwards into college and beyond. I thank the current members for sticking with the team for as long as they have and for their amazing efforts towards Lost Space. So much more than just code, art, and sound went into the game, and I congratulate the team on their accomplishment.

I would also like to take them time to thank all those who have supported us. Thank you Amir Rajan for guiding us during our early days. Thank you Lindsey Stirling for supporting us and our dreams. Thank you Eric Casequin for your encouragement and advice. Finally, thank you Sean Bird, our teacher, for your undying support of our games, for engaging with us in our meetings, and for truly believing in us as a team. Lost Space is truly the culmination of three years of game development experience as a team of high school students. Of course, many thanks to our parents as well for their love and support of us chasing ambitious dreams and fueling our passion for game development and team work.

If you'd like to support us, to support youth entrepreneurship, or just to play an awesome game, feel free to download Lost Space today!

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